Demon hunter heritage armor

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The armor needs to be reforged, but it turns out that the Great Forge isn’t capable of providing the necessary heat like it was in the times of old.

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We gather its shattered pieces, attacked by a couple of animated stone constructs because they don’t think we’re the authorized Aegrim Bronzebeard (truly so). Underneath the seat of Three Hammers lies Old Ironforge where we fight some more troggs and reveal the ancient Aegrim’s study where the legendary armor is held. Turns out that it’s a key to discovering the armor of Aegrim Bronzebeard, the very dwarf that led this small clan to becoming a major one. We bring it to Brann Bronzebeard stationed in Explorers’ League of Ironforge. Naturally we put him into the ground, and grab some piece of artifact from a chest nearby. The quarry is still populated by low level troggs, but once you arrive at the farthest corner of the cave, a 120 one pops up – responsible for killing the excavation party. The purpose is to investigate some missing explorers.

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Picked up by Stormwind embassy, the questline first sends you to Gol’Bolar quarry in Dun Morogh. A pleasant bonus, which I have completely forgotten about, is a good chunk of lore about the dwarf heritage! So… yes, my hunter character is a dwarf now.